domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2009

The Waste Land (T.S Eliot)

T.S Eliot is an important writer in our world; his new way of writing was a contribution to contemporary literature. What called my attention immediately were the subtitles of the poem, which ones were analysed in classes.
In my opinion the poem is very complex because it is too long and with different episodes. Even though, there is a connexion between them, there are different narrators who make the plot a little bit confusing, specially for beginner in these kinds of poems. If we consider that the poem is situated in Europe during the War we can understand its darkness. Throughout the five episodes there is a relation between death, confusion, pain, nothingness, suffering and modernity. The author makes an excellent job and he situates us in people’s feelings during those times. People did not know what they can do to survive in that waste land. There were not motivations for them. They were in a completely nothingness, meanwhile Europe seemed to walk towards modernity and it continues happening. Meanwhile some people enjoy, other ones suffer in the same context and situation.

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