martes, 28 de abril de 2009

What women love most?

If we read carefully “The Wife of Bath” by Chaucer, we can realize that our needs have not suffered so many changes at all. According to the prologue, the woman wanted to have being seen as a stronger woman. She claimed attitude, intelligence, voice, brave and so on. If we think about what women love most in these days, we can conclude on the same topics. Women want to have respect from men and society. Women want to have more spaces for ourselves. I want to be treated as a partner not as a domestic servant. Women love feeling loved when we are right or wrong.

We have to be understood as a person and not utilized as a sexual object, because one of us has an amazing body. Men must respect women’s independency and women’s freedom because all of us need them. However, some men forget that issue and they abuse, they don't respect human rights.

Forgetting clichés and gentlemanliness, because you are not more gentleman because you open me the car’s door. Women love to share with a gentleman in his inside and his outside. We want to be recognized by our woman’s worth.

viernes, 17 de abril de 2009

What I understood from G. Chaucer's poem "Thruth"

Truth is an interesting poem that presentes us an opinion about the society in medieval times. I think the name of the poem is because the truth always appears and tells you when you were right or wrong. When he says truth, it means whatever you do the truth comes afterward.
Our present world is full of market, trades, money, consumerism, envy and selfishness. Hence, when I read "for greed entails hate and social climbing uncertainty" it inmediately makes sense to me. People are still trying to show who is the one with more power and with more goods.
Clearly, we can notice that religious implications are part of this poem. In my opinion, not saying what is right or what is wrong. Religious implications that I saw were just advices to be more human. Firstly with yourself and then with the rest.
As I said before, this poem makes sense to me because I unfurtanetely can see that through time issues based on consumerism are still present. Therefore, reading this Chaucer's poem lets me think that there are people who believe in change. There are people who criticize the system and do something for it, at least with their closer people.

miércoles, 8 de abril de 2009

My definition of an Epic Poem

According to my opinion an Epic Poem is very different form other kinds of them. Unquestinable, this kind of poems tell us very long stories about heroes and their exciting happenings. Its structure is different too, because its sentences begin with Capital Letters. However, these stories are fictional and not real. Eventhough, they make us think about what happened in the past and also let our minds fly.

jueves, 2 de abril de 2009

People & Literature enrich us

" We are all formed from what other people give us: first our parents and then other people near us. Literature opens to the infinite this possibility of interaction and thus enriches us infinitely…” (page 17)
I totally agree with this quotation because our knowledge is firstly constructed by what other people say. We hear different opinions and different experiences. According to that we form our criteria. We create our first aproaches about life, history, politics,etc. In fact, our personal and external experiences give us knowledge about the world.
However, when we begin our formal education (school, high school, university) we beging to bring, erase and certify our thoughts and opinions. Why? because we read more, we talk to other people, we know different kind of opinions, not just opinions from our family. Thus, we begin to change some ideas and certify other ones. At the university thanks to our readings, and obviously between discussion with classmates and teachers, we try to reach a better understanding about world and we try to clarify aour thoughts.
In that sense, literature gives us another important tool to reach what we want to. As the quotation says "Literature opens to the infinitive this possibility of interaction" I think this is unquestionable. Throught reading and disscusion we can compare and being more critical. In this step of our life we can listen to people's stories such as when we were children or adolescents but now we compare and criticize because we are having a wider vision, thanks to literature. Therefore, people and literature enrich us but at the end, we decide which of them is more specific.